The Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead is
Sarah Redington (Dampier Street)
Designated Leads for child protection and safeguarding are:
Kelly Bumby (Wyndham View)
Emma Bale (Chard)
Gemma Fowler (Dampier Street)
Lisa Waller (Outreach)
Jo Simons (Headteacher) and Jason Roberts (Assistant Head) are also DSL trained but the staff above should be the first point of contact.
‘Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’
Our school recognises that the safety and welfare of children and young people is paramount and that we all have a responsibility to protect them from harm. We understand that it is the responsibility of all staff and governors to safeguard children and young people. We take all reasonable steps to ensure, through appropriate procedures and training, that all children and young people, irrespective of gender, age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual identity or social background, are protected from harm.
We will:
- Create a safe and welcoming environment where children and young people can develop their skills, confidence and abilities.
- Support and encourage other groups and organisations to implement similar policies.
- Recognise that safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone, not just those who work directly with children.
- Ensure that all activities and events are managed to the highest possible safety standards.
- Review ways of working to incorporate best practice. This includes policies being regularly reviewed and updated to reflect current best practice and Government guidance.
- Treat all children and young people with respect and listen to any concerns they may have, taking these seriously and acting upon them.
- Carefully recruit and select all employees, contractors and volunteers.
- Respond swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns.
- Share information about concerns with agencies who need to know, involving parents and children appropriately.
- Teach children and young people how to keep themselves safe in school and the wider community, including lessons on online safety.
- Operate in an open and transparent way that supports all staff to ‘whistleblow’ if they have a concern about any member of staff in our school or any other organisation.