The Thrive Approach
Thrive at SSPS
What is Thrive?
Thrive is a systematic approach to the early identification of emotional developmental need in children and young people so that different provision can be put in place quickly by the adults working most closely with them. It is preventative, reparative, pragmatic and easy to use.
Why do we use It?
Many young people arrive at a pupil referral unit in a time of crisis, having faced one or more permanent exclusions and negative experiences of education.
At SSPS we have chosen to adopt Thrive at the heart of everything we do because addressing emotional development needs builds reliance and resourcefulness, decreases the risk of mental illness, reinvigorates the learning provision and helps those young people who are at risk of underachieving or exclusion, to stay in school, or to help young people return to school and re-engage with learning.
Who created Thrive?
A multi-agency team, consisting of two former teachers/advisers/Ofsted inspectors, a social worker and a family therapist/foster and adoption specialist. It draws on recent research from child development and neuroscience.
Thrive Expertise at SSPS
Currently we have three fully trained accredited Thrive Practitioners. We also have four more members of staff that are starting training in September 2022.
We are also very proud to say we have just applied for our THRIVE Ambassador Status.
We are very excited that we have just been awarded:
Excellence in Right-time
Excellence in Environment
Excellence in Reparative
Excellence in Leadership
This expertise and depth of knowledge throughout SSPS led to 100% of the pupils we assessed making progress from their baseline assessment (July 22).
Next Steps for Thrive at SSPS
Embedding Thrive deeper and deeper into the fabric of SSPS is obviously a never-ending journey. We are always looking for new ways to develop our pupils socially and emotionally.
Our next adventure is to start working even more closely with our students’ parents and carers. We have planned to further train one of our Thrive practitioners in ‘Family Thrive’. Our intention is that this more holistic approach will add even greater value and benefit to all that it reaches.